
Overpacking for a Cruise

I have been packing this week for my upcoming cruise (I fly to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow and the ship leaves on Friday) to the Caribbean. As I briefly mentioned in an earlier post, my hope was to not overpack for this trip. I went into the packing process determined that I would succeed.

Well, I'm sad to admit that I failed. Do I really need four pairs of heels (red, black, nude and blue), two pairs of comfortable Sketchers, one pair of water shoes and two pairs of flip flops for a five day cruise? I think not. But somehow, all of these items are tucked inside of my suitcase.

Do I also need three bathing suits, two cover-ups, five pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans, seven dresses and numerous tops? Just writing these numbers out on this blog makes me uncomfortable. I should go home and lighten the load, but I somehow doubt that will happen. As usual, I will come home next week and realize that I only wore a third of what I packed. I will accept my overpacking once again and will strive to do better next time.

But maybe, just maybe, I will remove a few of the dresses and shoes from my suitcase tonight.

In an effort to be hopeful for my future packing skills, here are links to several sites online that provide tips for packing. Maybe one day I will take their advice!


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